Sepio Guard - No matter where death occurs, we'll get you back home.

Away From Home Assurance Protection Plan - $499

Whether you’re on a day trip or traveling the world, Sepio Guard makes sure you’re never far from home and your loved ones are spared from unnecessary financial and emotional pain.

Travel with Confidence, Sepio Guard Protects

Passing away while away from home is the last thing you'd ever expect to happen, but unfortunately, it happens. The financial and emotional burden of dealing with a death away from home can be devastating.

Most travel and health insurance plans do not offer coverage for a death that occurs away from home. When death occurs away from home, the costs to return a deceased individual can range and even exceed $5,000 to $10,000. In addition to the cost, working with local and foreign governments can be challenging. Laws and regulations vary by state and country, and they're even further complicated by language barriers.

Thankfully, Sepio Guard Away From Home Assurance is for everyone. Whether you're taking a day trip and hour or two away from home, going on a weekend getaway, or taking that once in a lifetime trip to Europe, you will have peace of mind knowing you and your family are always protected.

Becoming A Member Is Easy

  • No Deductibles
  • No Age Limits
  • No Dollar Limits
  • Worldwide and Lifetime Coverage

How to Get Started

  • Call us at 706-296-0745 or contact the Lord & Stephens Funeral Home's Planning Specialist, Ray Finger, at rfinger@lordandstephens.com for more information and a free consultation.
  • Our Planning Specialist will submit your membership application along with your one-time membership fee or monthly payment information.
  • Receive your Away from Home Assurance ID card and you’ll enjoy peace of mind anywhere you travel.
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