Athens - Hear 'ye, hear 'ye! We here by announce the memorial party to celebrate the life of the most awesomest friend, son, and brother, Brent Adams, and send him on his journey - Brent style. Brent Matthew Adams, 34, died Monday, May 31, 2010. He is survived by his mother, Penny Lewis Adams, sister, Heather Lynn Adams and brother, Mark Scott Adams. There will be Brent spoken word and metal music, compliments of Jacob's band. So bring your pictures and your stories to share. We will gather at our mother's house; 101 Stillwater Court, Winterville GA on Saturday, 6/5/10, from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Come one, come all! Come heartfriends, come brothers & sisters, come those who shared a laugh & a smile.
I hear by summon the wolf pack!
Lord & Stephens EAST is assisting the family.